This fall, I came out from the closet and told my friends and family that I'm bisexual. Everyone were okay with it, sure, some had problems with it (My dad thinks it's just a phase and he's worried about grandchildren) but no one actually said something bad about it. I had been scared that my parents would kick me out, but they didn't. My mom even said that she already knew, and that she'd just waited for me to tell her.
At the same as I "came out" I met this girl, A. A's two years younger than me, she's gay and she's absolutley wonderful. I'm in love with her, I love her. But I'm not going to go into details about our relationship now, I'm going to tell you how it all began:
We had gone to same school, she in the seventh grade and I in the ninth. I had actually never really spoken to her, she was a friend of some of my friends and little sister to one of the girls in the ninth grade. She was blonde back then, but still a little tom-boyish. Then I quit junior high, and started High School. My life was awesome, and I didn't think much of her, it wasn't until I
came out that I started to contact her. I wrote to her at a swedish website called, (it's for emo's mostly, she's one and I used to be one XD) and we connected, directy. Soon after that we started to meet, often, she lives not far away from me, and I started to realise that I liked her, a lot. Sure, she was a lot of drama, and she was definatley popular among the girls, but somehow I felt that maybe I had a chance, maybe we could work out. And just as I was about to gain the courage to tell her how I felt, me and my family went to Thailand for christmas. And when I came back, she told me that she was going to her ex for a couple of days. I knew what would happen if I didn't say anything about my feelings before she went, so I told her. And she said that she liked me too. And I? I was flying on little pink clouds. Still, she went, she had already paid for the train-ticket, so she couldn't NOT go, could she? I don't believe I've ever been as jealous in my entire life as I was those four days. She came home at a saturday, and she rushed home to me and we watched The L word and cuddled up against each other. The next day, she texted me and said that she loved me. At monday, she told me to let go of her, she had chosen her ex.
And that was the first time she broke my heart.
More will come, the story, the secret, my diary, will continue. This is not all that's happened, we've been through much more, A and I, since that day after christmas.

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